Quikcard Edmonton Minor Hockey Week is one of the largest and longest running hockey tournaments in the world. Founded in 1964 this event has become a tradition among the Edmonton hockey community that only continues to grow.
In 2003 the tournament was awarded with a Guinness World Record for the largest ice hockey tournament with 471 teams and 7,127 players. With current and past participants now spanning generations this tournament is an event that families and Edmontonians can share in for years to come.
Here are a few shortcuts to important information needed for MHW:
CLICK HERE for Novice Minor and Novice Major MHW Information
All results will be uploaded online, by the end of each day. Please watch for your players next game, by checking the schedule.
**Don't forget, each participating team will be assigned 6-8 volunteer shifts that MUST be filled - volunteer schedules will be released to managers, soon. Please help out your manager and coaches, by signing up for a shift!**